Loretta Balogun
Project objective
With almost a decade of existence, the Odeon cinema app has undoubtedly created a new space for its users to enjoy their experience more at the cinema digitally and efficiently. However, with the recent introduction to the friends feature only being available on their website, allowing this feature to be accessible across cross-platforms could continue to improve their user’s experience and encourage more activity within the app and so I plan to explore this more.
So I started with conducting five informal interviews with participants who are actively myLimitless members at Odeon These questions focused on their stance on the app, what they liked about it, what they didn’t like and most importantly what could be improved. This would help me understand how the users currently use this feature and aid in identifying the biggest pain points which will ultimately offer me the best recommendations on where to focus for this redesign.
Majority of the users who participated in the survey often used the app to purchase cinema tickets with the remaining buying on site.
Some participants mentioned the lack of accessibility of certain features in app made the experience less enjoyable.
Turns out, some of the users wished that the process of adding other friends would me more easier and efficient
I also conducted some desk research to explore alternative ways to interact with other users on platforms. I focused my research more on social media platforms because the common user activities surrounding these apps heavily focus on being able to request, share and add other users on the app. This is a vital step in the user flow for my friend’s feature and would be a great start for inspiration. The use of QR codes might be a quick and efficient way to accept friends within the app and with Odeon already providing unique QR codes for its myLimitless members, the feasibility of the interactions is more than likely doable.
Based on the user interviews, It was important for me to ensure the users are able to complete their goals with the upmost efficiency and easiness. Through the friends feature the main user tasks involve adding a friend, managing a friends list removing a friend and being able to purchase tickets on behalf of friends. As such, I created a user flow diagram, so that I could visualize the user experience and see what the necessary screens were.
Both the high-fidelity wireframe and functional prototype was built using Figma. Since this was already an app and brand that has already existed, I wanted to make sure that the visual design matched with the current brands guidelines.
New existing friends list via the Odeon app
Removing a friend
Adding a friend
Approve friend requests
Expanded QR code view – new method to add friends
The next step for these wireframes is user validation through conducting usability testing. Specifically using participants that match the targeted audience for the app. By doing this I’ll know the designs created have some validity by the users actively using the Odeon app.
Based on the results of the usability testing there will be more opportunities to continuously iterate these wireframes.